六级写作--相互理解与尊重这一主题,首先首段可以用题干当中的表达-相互理解与尊重-作为点题句--When it comes to interpersonal relationships, it is important to show mutual understanding and respect--当然这样的表达就是套话,如果后面写得不是非常好,就要慎用。

第二段就是展开写。在表达的过程中第一使用了套话-It is apparent that mutual understanding and respect are crucial. Hardly can any one achieve success in his career without this.但是从第三句开始就是对在工作当中理解与尊重的重要性的阐述。


When we are in the workplace, mutual understanding and respect also should be emphasized.并举例说明.For example, you may have a different perspective on how a task will proceed with your college,接下来论述如果能够有相互理解和帮助的精神会怎么样if you understand that it is natural that people could have different perspectives because of diverse upbringing and education, quarrels could be avoided and a solution might be found. Also,if you respect one another at work, automatically you will be able to earn respect in return. 这两层说明了如果能够做到相互理解与尊重就能够避免冲突顺利解决问题,同时也会赢得对方的尊重。在内容上避免了空洞无物,举的例子很好地支持了论点。这样会挽回由于使用套话给阅卷人带来的不好印象。


第三段总结,也是使用套话On the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that mutual understanding and respect really count in this competitive society. Hence ,we should learn to respect people around us. 但是基于第二段的分析可以使得第三段的结论能够显得比较正常。
