一、最好的幸福,是你给的在乎,最美的时光,是有你的陪伴。 The best happiness, is you give the care, the most beautiful time, is with your company
二、The greatest hurt in the world is not the pain in love but the betray you give me when I devote my heart to you.-----世界上最心痛的感觉,不是失恋,而是我把心给你的时候,你却在欺骗我。

三、Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. ~~~幸福不是取决于外界环境,它由我们的心态来决定。
四、Trust is an expensive thing, don't expect it from cheap people. ~~~ 信任是很昂贵的,别期盼那些廉价的人会拥有它。
五、A girl,who seems inattentive and careless,just reserves her gentleness to those who deserve it. -----看似没心没肺,大大咧咧的女孩,只不过是把所有的温柔留给值得去爱的人。

六、Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.-----有时候,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗感知的心。
七、Happiness is that when you lose your way,you won't be afraid because you are holding a right hand. ~~~幸福就是只要牵对了手,就算失去了方向感,但仍然不会害怕。
八、成长,本身就是一个很痛的词。你想要的或好或坏,时间都会给你Growth itself is a very painful word. Time will give you what you want, good or bad

九、If I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe.---失败也好,成功也罢,最起码我坚持自己的信仰。
十、Sometimes, the harder you want to forget something, the more you seem to remember it.~~~有时候,似乎你越想忘记,记忆却越深刻。
十一、If you run, you stand a chance losing ,but if you don’t run , you’ve already lost.~~~如果你在努力奋斗,你有可能会失败,但是,如果你不奋斗你就已经输了。

十二、不要在人群中丢了我,我会找不到回家的路。Do not lost in the crowd I will find the way home.
十三、I don't think you know that you are the light ofmy world and I'm the luckiest person to know you. 我想你不知道你照亮了我的世界,但是认识了你,我成为了那个最幸运的人。