
教案 Unit8 Is there a post office near here?




1) 能掌握以下单词:post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around,sunshine, town.


① —Is there a hospital near here?

—Yes, there is.

② The pay phone is across from the library.

③ The pay phone is between the post office and the library.


—— Where 引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。

——学会There is / are…。Is/are there..的句型及用法。



2.采取Pair work或Group work问答式的口语交际活动,让学生运用表达方式和句型互相操练"问路和引路";

3. 让学生复述课文、图文配对、回答问题及句子填空的听力方式帮助学生掌握听力技能;

4. Role-play的学习策略,利用课件引导学生自主学习,展开课堂教学;






①Where 引导的特殊疑问句.

②there be 句型的肯定句、一般疑问句及其回答方式.



1. 学会问路与指路的多种表达方式;

2. 方位介词的用法;





语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 Pair work和Group work 问答式的口语交际活动互相操练;听力教学——采取复述课文、图文配对、回答问题及句子填空的听力方式帮助学生掌握听力技能;

结合上述教学设计我做一下准备:相应的语音文件 词汇挂图




(一) There be 句型


结构: There be 句型+主语+介词短语.

There be 有两种形式。be的单复数由最近一个主语来决定。当最近一个主语为单数或不可数名词时,用There is ;当最近一个主语为复数时,用There are.

Eg:There is a book on the desk.

There are some trees near the river.

There is a desk and two chairs in the room.

There are two chairs and a desk in the room.

介词短语表示方位、处所时,也可以置于句首。On, in,under,between...and...... next to,behind,in front of.

Eg :There is a clock on the wall.

Under the tree there are some girls.



Eg: Is there an egg on the desk?

Yes,there is./No,there isn't.

Are there any birds in the tree?

Yes,there are./No,there aren't.

(2)There be 句型的否定句,是直接在be动词后加not.

Eg:There aren't any book on the desk.

对There be 句型中的方位介词短语提问时常用where,对there be 句中的主语提问时,常省略there.

Eg :There is a supermarket on Green Street.

Where is a supermarket?

There is a desk in the room?

What's in the room?

There be 与have 的区别:


Eg:There is a pen on my desk.

I have a pen.

(二)where 引导的特殊疑问句

Where is .....?可用单数,也可用复数形式。

Eg :Where is the pen ?

Where is my bike?

Where are the keys?

Where are those cars?

在本课中"Where is the.....?"用于询问某人某物在哪儿?

Excuse me .Where is the post office?

It's next to a shop.



Step 1Warm up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)Daily greetings to the Ss

(2) Revision

Check the homework.

Step2 Presentation(呈现新知识)

(1)Present the new words

Show pictures of different places and help Ss to understand the new words.

(2)Explain prepositions of place to Ss using the pictures of the mouse and the ball.

Step3 Work on 1a(完成1a)

(1)Match the words with the places in the picture.

(2)Talk about the picture with Ss using target languages.

Step4Work on 1b(完成1b)

Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a.

Step5 Drill (练习)

Ask some Ss to repeat the conversation and change the words used.


Step6 Pair work(完成1c)

(1)Have Ss get into pairs and practice the conversation with their partner. Then have them ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a..

(2) Have some pairs present their conversations to the class.

Step7 Exercises 翻译词组

in 在图书馆里 in the library

on 在第五绿荫大街 on Fifth Avenue

near 在我家附近 near my home

under 在桥下面 under the bridge

behind 在超市后面 behind the supermarket

next to 在邮局旁边 next to the post office

in front of 在医院前面 in front of the hospital

across from 在公园对面 across from the park

between… and … 在银行和旅馆之间 between the bank and the hotel

Step8 Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)

(1) Match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box.

(2) Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Step9 Work on 2c (完成2c)

Have Ss get into groups and ask and answer questions about the places in 1a on page 43.

Where is the hospital?

It's next to the police station.

Step10Role-play (完成2d)

1. 播放听力,让学生跟读磁带,了解对话大意。

2. 让学生齐声朗读对话,纠正读音,解答学生存在的语言障碍。

3. 让学生根据对话,回答问题。

4. 学生结对分角色朗读对话,给予适当评价。

5. 学生复述对话。

6. 讲解语言知识点:

(1) Excuse me. 对不起,打扰了。



Excuse me, may I borrow a pen, please ?

对不起, 我可以借支钢笔吗?

但它常用于做错了事之后或不能满足对方的要求时, 表示歉意。

如:May I come in, please ? I'm sorry I'm late.


(2) You're welcome. 不客气, 不用谢。


You're 是You are 的缩略形式。例如:

--Thank you very much.

--You are welcome.

链接: 回答thank you的用语还有:

That's all right. 不用谢。

That's OK. 不用谢。

Not at all. 没关系, 不用谢。


Excuse me. Where is the library ?

Excuse me. How can I get to the library ?

Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library ?

Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library ?

Is there a library near here/around here/in the neighborhood?

Giving directions:指路

第二课时sectionA(grammar Focus—3c)

Step 1Warm up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

1、Daily greetings to the Ss

2、 Revision

(1) Check the homework.

(2)Play a guessing game.

Step2 Presentation

Focuss on the language point and explain it

(一)There be 句型结构。

1. 某地有某物。 There is + a/an + n. + in the ….

There are + (some) + n.-s + in the ….

2. 某地没有某物。There isn't + a/an + n. + in the ….

There aren't + (any) + n.-s + in the ….

3.某地有某物吗? Is there + a/an + n. + in the …?

Are there + (any) + n.-s + in the …?

There be句型表示某地有某物或某人,是"存在"关系。

否定句就在be动词后加not, 疑问句就将be动词提到句首。


There is an orange in her bag.

→There isn't an orange in her bag.

→There is no orange in her bag.

→ Is there an orange in her bag?

Yes, there is. No, there isn't.

There are some students in the classroom.

→ There aren't any students in the classroom.

→ Are there any students in the classroom?

Yes, there are. No, there aren't.

1. There be 句型中be动词由后面名词的单复数决定,若是多个名词,则由最近一个名词决定。(就近原则)

There is a pen and two books on the table.

(二)have/ has指 "某人有某物",它表示"所属、拥有"关系。there have的句型不能用。some 用于肯定句,any用于否定句和一般疑问句。

I have an eraser on the desk./ There is an eraser on the desk.

Step3 Exercises(let students spend 15 minutes doing after-school exercises,then teacher explain the amswers)

1. 图书馆在邮局的对面。

The library is ___________ the __________.

2. 在公园附近有餐馆吗?

Is _______ a restaurant ________ the ________?

3. 紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。

There ____ a hotel __________ the bank.

4. 公用电话在医院后面。

The ______ phone is _________the _________.

5. 在警察局前面有很多树。

_________many trees __________ the police station.

用have/has, there be填空:

1. I________ a good father and a good mother.

2. ____________some milk in the bottle.

3. He_________ a basketball.

4. ___________not a bank on Long Street.

5. ___________ three people in my family.

6. ____________a reading-room in the building?


1、across from 意为"在……对面"

e.g. The bank is across from our school.


We live across from the street. 我们住在街道的对面。

在英语中, "在……的对面"还可以用其他的短语

表示, 例如:

1) The bus stop is on the other side of the river.


2) The fruit shop is opposite the post office.


2. in front of 意为"在……前面"(在某范围之外)

e.g. There is a car in front of the house.


【辨析】in the front of "在……前面"(在某范围之内)

e.g. There is a table in the front of the classroom.


3. next to 意为"紧靠着;紧挨着;贴近"

e.g. The little boy is next to his mother.


【辨析】next to与near的区别

从空间讲near 表示"在……附近";而next to有"紧挨着"之意;4、next to比near靠的更近。

Peter sits next to Mike. 彼特紧挨着迈克坐。

Peter sits near Tom. 彼特坐在汤姆附近。

near 也有表示在某物的附近, 意为"靠近, 接近"。如:

The football is near the door. 足球在门旁边。

near 除了作介词表示方位外, 还可以作形容词,

意思是"近的, 不远的", 其反义词是far, 意为"远的,


My home is not far from my school.我家离学校很近。

Is there anything I can help (you) with?

What can I do for you?

5. I'm new in town. 我新来此地。

town 表示所居住的地方或城市里的闹市区; 城里, 为不可数名词。

e.g. Is there a good place to eat here? I'm from out of town.


6. between 介词, 表示"在……中间", 常与and

连接, 构成短语。例如:

I sit between Lucy and Lily.


among 也表示"在……中间", 但是between

是指在两者之间, 而 among 是指在三者或


My brother is among those boys.



Step 1Warm up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

1、Daily greetings to the Ss

2、 Revision

Check the homework.

Step2 Presentation

Teach the new words and phrases.The teacher stands between two students.

Teacher explain the meaning of the phrases.

(1)Go straight ( until the end ).

Go down/along Bridge Street.

(2)Turn left/right.

Go across the street.

It's down/along New Street on the left/right.

Turn left/right at the first crossing(十字路口).

Take the first turning(转弯处)on the left/right.


1.请问, 去车站怎么走?

Excuse me,how can I get to the station?


Excuse me,where is the post office?

Step3 Summary

1. Target language:

Is there a/an…?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.

Where is…?

It's +prepositional phrases.

2. Grasp how to use some sentences to ask way and give directions.

Step4 Homework

Review the sentences learned in this class and try to make sentences.

Preview the next period.


Step 1 Warm up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

1、Daily greetings to the Ss

2、 Revision

Check the homework.

Step2 Presentation

Teach activity 2a.

Lead students to read the words of places.Then give them several minutes to talk about the location of these palces near their home.


First,gives students give them several minutes to read the passages and get the main idea of them.Teacher explain some languages points.

There is a zoo in my neighborhood.In the neighborhood在附近。

They look like my friends and me when we fight!look like 看起来与某人和某物相似,还可表示很可能出现。It looks like rain.Let's start for home.

To get to the park,you just have to across Center Street.

To get to the park 也可说成in order to the park.

Step3 practice.

teach Activity3a

Ask students to have a look at the map in 3a and say what they can see the picture.Then give them three minutes to complete the passage indivilually.

Teach Activity 3b

Point out the the example in the box .

Have students work in pairs.

Ask some pairs to know what to do amd how to do this activity.

Step4 Consolidation.

1. Consolidation.

Conclude the language points in this unit.

2.Selft check.

Ask students to have a fast reading of the passage o get the main idea.

Then give them three minutes to complete the passage with the words in the box.

Later check the answers by inviting a student read it.

Step5 Summary.

In this period,we've learned how to describe our neigborhood and improve our comprehesive skill through some reading materials.And we have also consolidated the knowledge in this unit.

Step 6 Homework

Copy the key words and phrases in this unit.

Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Preview the next unit.

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