英语听说教学在英语教学中占有举足轻重的位置,说课也是近年来教招考试面试中出现频率较高的考查形式,能够测出考生的语言功底和表达能力。故设计好一堂听说课是考生在面试中取得成功的第一步。本文以译林版四年级上学期Unit 2 let’s make a fruit salad听说课为例进行说课设计,该说课以学生的现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在发挥学生的实际语言运用能力。

Unit 2 Let's make a fruit salad

Greeting: Good morning, dear judges. It’s my greathonor and pleasure to be here to interpret my teaching idea. My topic today is“Let’s make a fruit salad”. I have been ready to begin my presentation withfollowing parts:

1 Analysis of teachingmaterials

This lesson is from Unit 2 Let’s make a fruitsalad, the story time part. This lesson is about many fruits. It is veryinteresting and close to daily life. Through this lesson, students can know howto say the fruits in English and they are good for their health.

2 Analysis of students

Students are the subject of our class. The studentsof this period are active and curious, they have learned English for one year.They can know some basic words, phrases and some simple sentences patterns. Butthey are shy to say English in their daily life, as the teacher, I wouldarrange a variety of activities to help them take part in the class.

3 Analysis of teaching aims

Based on the English curriculum standard and thecharacteristics of the students, I set the following teaching aims:

(1) Knowledge aim:

Students can read and recognize the words such asbanana, grape, mango and understand the meaning of sentences “do you have...?”and the answer “Yes, I do.” “No, I don’t.”.

(2) Ability aim:

Through the activities and games, students abilityof speaking and listening can be improved.

(3) Emotional aims:

Students can cooperate with others when they workin groups and finish the tasks.

Students can know fruits are good for their health.

4 Analysis of teaching keypoint and difficult point

Key point:

Students can master the pronunciation and themeaning of the new words and can master the usage of the sentence.

Difficult Point:

Students can have a basic understanding about theusage of “some” and “any”.

5 Analysis of teaching methodsand learning methods

To help students achieve the teaching aims muchbetter and easier, I’ll mainly use “Task-based” and “Communicative” teachingmethods. For students, they will use autonomous learning method, and they willlearn to communicate with people, and become the real host of the class.

6 Analysis of teaching aids

In order to catch students’ attention, I preparemulti-media and real fruits.

7 Analysis of teachingprocedures

This is the most important part in this design, itcan be divided into following steps:

Step 1 Warming-up

After greeting, I will play the tape and askstudents sing a song together named “PPAP. Just like this: I have a pen, I havean apple. Apple-pen. This song is very funny and can create an interestingatmosphere in class. It conclude the words such as apple, pineapple. Studentswill have a basic understanding of today’s topic. In this way the teacher willlead the topic of “fruit” very naturally.

Step 2 Pre-listening

Before listening, I will divide them into twogroups and do a simple survey among students about their favorite fruit. Anduse the real fruits and free talk to teach the new words and new sentences.

By doing this, students can learn the new knowledgedirectly and easily. It can also attract students’ attention and lay afoundation for the next part-listening.

Step 3 While-listening

1. extensive listening

For the while-listening. First, students shouldlisten to the tape for the first time, then answer the question:

What are they talking about?

During this activity, students can grasp the mainidea of this listening material. It’s an individual work, so the autonomouslearning method can be demonstrated too.

2. intensive listening

After that I will let students listen to the tapecarefully and finish the following tasks:

(1) -Do you have _____, Yang Ling?

-No, _____. I have _____.

(2) -Wang Bing, _____ have a banana?

-Yes, _____.

Then check the answer together.

These tasks can help students to remember the newwords and sentences much better. It can also improve students’ listeningability to grasp the detailed information.

3. listen and read

Now I will play the tape for the last time, and askstudents read after it. In this way, students can have more chance to speak.Their pronunciation and intonation will also be developed.

Step 4 Post-listening

Through all the listening tasks, students can getthe key points of this lesson, so I would like to arrange an interestingactivity for them to improve their cooperative awareness. I will prepare manydifferent fruits and they can use them to make fruit salad in their groups.Then they should show it and introduce it.

This activity can let them know how to cooperatewith others when they work in groups and finish the tasks. Also, they canpractice the new knowledge and have more interest in English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

After all the activities I will show the key pointson the screen and invite one student to be a little teacher to summarize whatwe have learned today, the others can have a supplement.

As for homework, students can make a fruit saladfor their parents.

8 Blackboard design

The main information is demonstrated on theblackboard and its logic is clear.

小学英语说课稿《Unit 1 How can I get there?》

Good morning,dear judges. I’m the second examinee.It’s my great honor to have this opportunity to interpret my teaching designhere. My topic is Unit 1 How can I get there? According to the New CurriculumStandard, I will interpret my teaching design from the following parts, such asteaching aims, teaching procedures and so on.

I. The analysis of teaching material

The first part in my presentation is the analysisof teaching material. (Firstly, please allow me to talk about the analysis ofteaching material) This lesson is chosen from part A Let’s learn of Unit 1 ofPEP Primary English, book 7, and the main topic of this lesson is to ask andanswer the way. After learning this lesson, students will be able to know howto help others find the way. Therefore, this lesson plays an important role intheir studying.

II. The analysis of students

After analysis of teaching material, let’s move tothe next step: analysis of students. Students are the subject of our class.Students of this period are active and curious, they are interested in newthings After learning English for 3 years, they have some basic English backgroundknowledge, so the teacher should attach more importance to the communicationwith them.

III. The analysis of teaching aims

According to the new Curriculum Standard inEnglish, I set the teaching aims as follows:

Firstly, knowledge aim: students can understand thebasic meaning of some new words, such as crossing, turn left, turn right, goalong and so on.

Secondly, ability aim: students can use some simpleexpressions and target language to communicate in daily life.

Lastly, emotional aim: students are willing to helpothers after class.

IV. The analysis of teaching key point anddifficult point

Then, I want to put forward the key point and thedifficult point of this lesson. Students can apply these new words andsentences naturally and appropriately.

V. The analysis of teaching methods

Now I want to talk about the teaching methods.Communicative Approach, Tasked-based Teaching Method and TPR Teaching Methodwill be adopted in this lesson to active my students.

VI. The analysis of teaching aids

To help students learn better. I will mainly usepictures and tape recorder as teaching aids.

VII. The analysis of teaching Procedure

Next, let’s focus on the most important part ofthis lesson, the analysis of teaching procedures. It consists of the followingsteps: warming-up, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening, summary andhomework.

Now, let’s go to the first step,warming-up. In thisstep, I will divide students into groups Monkey 1 and Monkey 2, the one whogets banana first is the winner. Then I will sing a song named penguin’s Game.After listening, students should tell me what they have heard in this song.Then I will tell students this song is about directions. This song is closedrelated to the topic of this lesson. Besides, It’s very interesting forstudents. They would be very glad to pay attention to this lesson.

Then, let’s come to the second step, pre-listening.I will draw a map and some buildings on the blackboard. Imagine I’m a foreignerand get lost. Let students help me find my way. Then I will show them some newwords such as, turn left, turn right, crossing and go straight through manyactions. And a word game will be arranged. It’s a bomb game. If I say a word,students should read after me quickly. But when I read the boom word, studentsshould be quiet. Through this activity, students will be attracted and know howto read and use the new words.

Now let’s talk about next period, while-listening.There are 3 activities in this step. The first activity is extensive listening.I’ll ask students to listen to the tape, then find out the main idea of thisconversation. The second activity is intensive listening. I will ask studentsto listen to the tape once again. And try to find the answer, “Where is theItalian restaurant?” The third activity is to read. Students should read afterthe tape and pay attention to their pronunciation. Through this section,students could develop the ability of grasp detailed information andcooperation spirit. They will join more class activities actively.

Next step is post-listeing. Some students will beasked to come the front of the class, and do some actions. The other studentswill guess the meaning of these new words. Then I will pick one place in themap like bookstore. Ask students “Where’ the bookstore?” Students will tell methe way in their own words according to the map. Role play is very attractivefor students. Students would like to take part in it very actively. By this,students can improve their speaking skills and understand how to use thesesentences to communicate with others.

Now, let’s move on to the summary and homework. Atthe end of the class, I’ll make a summary together with students. The purposeof this step is to help students recall what we have learned today. And deepentheir impression of the key words and sentences. The homework is to be a guide.Tell their friends the way to the house with the target language. Next class,I’ll invite some students to share it. It can develop their independentlearning ability and provide more opportunities to practice after class. Atlast, I will attract students attention and tell students the winner of thisclass.

VIII. The analysis of blackboard design

The last part is my blackboard design. These arethe new words and phrases. These are key sentences. It’s very clear and simplefor students. And the pictures can attract students attention.

That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for yourlistening.

小学英语Unit 4 Hobbies说课稿

Unit 4 Hobbies

Good morning/afternoon, dear judges, I’m numberxxx. It’s my great honor to be here to interpret my teaching ideas. The topicof my lesson is “xxx”. I am going to introduce my lesson from the followingaspects: the analysis of teaching material and students, teaching aims,teaching key points and difficult points, teaching and studying methods,teaching procedures and blackboard design.

I. Analysis of teaching material

First of all, let’s focus on the analysis ofteaching material.

This lesson is chosen from Yilin Press Englishbook, the first semester of grade 5, Unite 4. the main topic of this unit isabout hobbies. Students are supposed to learn some expressions about hobbiesand can write some sentences to express their favourite hobbies. This lesson isvery important to them because it aims to train their listening and speakingabilities.

II. Analysis of students

After analysis of teaching materials, let’s move onto the next step: analysis of students. Our students are in grade 5. they areactive and curious about new things. As they love joining different activities,this topic could raise their attention greatly. Besides, after learning Englishfor a period, they have some basic background knowledge, so the teacher shouldattach importance to provide them more chances to improve their speakingability.

III. Analysis of teaching aims

Based on the New Curriculum Standard and theanalysis of teaching material and students, I set the following teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can understand new words and expressionssuch as dance, draw, play the piano and etc and use sentence patterns such as“like doing” to express their hobbies.

Ability aim:

Students can improve their listening and speakingabilities after learning this unit and they could apply these new knowledgeinto their daily life.

Emotional aim:

Students can express themselves in public bravelyand their awareness of cooperation can also be fostered.

IV. Analysis of key and difficult points

In order to achieve the teaching aims, the key anddifficult points are as follows. The key point of this lesson is: Students canunderstand new words such as dance, draw, play the piano and etc and usesentence patterns such as “like doing” .

And the difficult point is: Students can apply newwords and sentence patterns in real circumstances.

V. Analysis of teaching and studying methods

Now, let’s move on to another part: teachingmethods and study methods. It is clear that the final aims of teaching Englishis to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and toimprove their good sense of English language, so in this lesson I will mainlyuse the “Task-based teaching method” and “Communicative teaching method”. As tothe studying method, I will encourage students to use cooperative study. I wouldmake the students be the real masters of the class and I would act just as aguide to bring their ability into full play.

VI. Analysis of teaching procedures

Next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures. Iwill finish the lesson in 5 steps.

Step 1 Warming up

After greeting with the students, the teacher willshow a video for them, in which a girl is dancing lightly, and ask aquestion,”Do you like dancing?”, if not, then the teacher will pose anotherquestion,”What do you like to do?”.

Since students are very active, this activity willimprove their interest greatly. And it will create a relaxing atmosphere.

Step 2 Pre-listening

With the help of PPT, I would like to show picturesof dance, draw, play the piano, swim, read, sing and etc, and let studentsguess what they are doing. Then I will give the right answer. And I will askstudents to read the new words dance, draw, play the piano, swim, read, singand etc after me.

This step will sweep away the obstacles in theirlistening, so that they will have a better understanding about the listeningmaterial.

Step 3 While-listening

The teacher will play the tape twice. For the firsttime, I will ask students to find out what the passage mainly talk about. Iwill give them some bright star as prize. Then I will play it again. In thistime students should finish the “Think and write” part to match the person andhobby together. And I will choose some students to answer. I also will givethem some stars for prize.

This step can help students know the content of theshort passage and they will know hobbies of different children.

Step 4 Post-listening

After pre-listening and while-listening activity,students have known the new words and main content of the passage. Then I willask them to have a discussion about their hobbies in group of four within 5minutes. When they finish, I will choose some groups to perform their dialoguesin front of the class.

This step can help students practice their newknowledge in the class and know their friends better.

Step 5 Summary and homework

I will ask a student to share what they havelearned in this lesson and then leave them a task: please ask your parents whattheir hobbies are. Nest class, teacher will invite some students to share infront of class.

This step can help students consolidate what theyhave learned and build a bridge between parents and children.

VII. Analysis of blackboard design

The last is blackboard design, the key points areon the blackboard.

This can help them understand the key points andmake notes.

That is all for my lecture, thanks for yourlistening.

小学英语说课稿-Unit 3 Our animal friends

Unit 3 Our animal friends

Good morning, dear judges. I’m number 4. It’s mygreat honor to have this opportunity to show my teaching design here. The topicof my lesson is Our animal friends. This lesson includes the analysis ofteaching material and students, analysis of teaching aims and so on.

I. Analysis of theteaching material

First of all, I would like to talk about analysisof teaching material. This lesson is from Yilin Press English Book, Unit 3. Thetopic of this unit is about animals. Students will learn some words which areused to describe animals and how to use the target language in their dailylife.

II. Analysis of thestudents

Then, let me talk about the analysis of students.My students are in grade 5. They are very active, curious and interested in newthings. After learning English for two years, they have some basic Englishbackground knowledge, so I will provide more chances of using language.

III. Analysis of thestudents

According to the new curriculum standard, I willsay the following teaching aims.

The first one is knowledge aims. Students can readand recognize some words about animals such as parrot, rabbit, fish big, short,long, white, tail, wing, jump, run, etc and use sentence pattern “It has/can......” to make sentences.

The second one is ability aims. Through activitiesand games, students can get the ability of describing animals, and theirreading abilities can be improved.

The third one is emotional aims. Students canbecome more interested in learning English and love animals.

IV. Analysis of thekey and difficult points

According to above analysis, I will say my keypoints and difficult points.

My key point is that students read and recognizesome words about animals such as parrot, rabbit, fish big, short, long, white,tail, wing, jump, run, etc and use sentence pattern “It has/ can......” to makesentences.

My difficult point is that students can use thewords and sentences naturally in their daily life.

V. Analysis ofteaching and study analysis

The following part is analysis of teaching andstudy method.

I will use communicative language teachingapproach, and task-based language teaching method in my class. Based on thelearning condition of my students , I will arrange some activities to make thereading process more attractive. I will lead them to study by themselves, andlearn to communicative with people to let them to become the real host of theclass.

VI. Analysis ofteaching procedures

Now it’s come to the most important part---teachingprocedure. There are five steps in my teaching procedure: warming-up,pre-reading,while-reading ,post-reading, summary and homework.

Step 1 Warming-up

Before class, I will greet students and sing a songnamed “ Old MacDonald had a farm” with students together.then I will show somepictures of animals on PPT and then ask them the questions “ what are theseanimals?” “ How to describe them?”. In this way, I can create an activeatmosphere and then lead in the topic.)

Step 2 Pre-reading

In this stage, I will show students another picturewith a bird and a monkey on PPT and then ask students to tell something aboutthe two animals, and then tell them the new words “ fly”, “long” , “wing”and“tail” Use the same way to teach other new words. Teaching some new words whichmay bring some difficulties during their reading, so they can finish the taskmuch easier

Step 3 While-reading

I design two tasks in this stage, in fast readingpart, I will let students read the short story quickly and find out what theseboys and girls are talking about. After reading, some students will be invitedto share their ideas and give them properly praise. This question can helpstudents have a general impression of the story.

In careful reading part, I will ask students toread the short story carefully and think about what animals do they have. Afterfive minutes, ask some students to make a report in the class, and teacherwrites their answers on the blackboard. By doing this activity, students canimprove their ability of skimming and practice their logic thinking by findingsome detailed information.)

Step 4 Post-reading

In order to help students practice their newknowledge in the class and improve their ability of language organization,Iwill ask students to discuss their animal friends and describe them by usingthe news words and sentence patterns in group of five in 5minutes, and then asksome students to share their answers. During this discussion teacher need towalk around and offer help when they need.

Step 5 Summary andhomework

At the end of the class, I will lead students toreview what they have learned today. I will ask students to close their eyesand then ask them to memorize what they have learned today. The homework isthat they need to write a paragraph about their favorite animal by using whatthey have learned today, and read it to their parents. The purpose of this stepis to help students consolidate what they have learned today and improve theirwriting and speaking ability.

VII. Analysis of theblackboard design

That’s all for the teaching procedures, and this ismy blackboard design, clear and simple. On the left, there are some news andsentence patterns. On the right, it contains some questions about the story. Itwill be helpful for students to understand the key points in this class. That’sall for my presentation, thank for listening.

小学英语说课稿-Unit 4 What can you do

Good morning, my dear judges. I'm the firstcompetitor. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about myteaching ideas. Today my topic is “Unit 4 What can you do?” I am going tointroduce my lesson from the following aspects:

1 Analysis of teaching materials

The unit is from PEP English book, the firstsemester of grade 5. The topic of this unit is about some recreational andsports activities and what students can do. Through this part, students willlearn some new words and important sentence structures “What can you do? Ican…”, which can make students to share their hobbies with others, so thattheir speaking and listening abilities can be improved.

2 Analysis of students

Students in Grade 5 are active, curious to newinteresting things. After learning English for 2 years, they have accumulatedsome basic English knowledge, but most of them are not confident to expressthemselves, so I will arrange more interesting activities in order to providethem more chances to speak in English.

3 Analysis of teaching aims

According to the New Curriculum Standard in Englishand the analysis of teaching materials and students, I set the followingteaching aims:

(1) Knowledge aims:

Students can spell and understand the meaning ofthe new vocabularies and phrases of different activities.

Students can master the new sentence patterns “whatcan you do” and “I can sing English songs”.

(2) Ability aims:

Students can use the vocabularies and sentencepatterns to talk about their abilities fluently.

(3) Emotional aims:

Students will cultivate more hobbies in their sparetime.

Students will enjoy communicating with each otherin English.

4 Analysis of teaching key points and difficultpoints

The key points are to master new words and phrases:dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, draw cartoons, play the pipa as well asthe sentence pattern “What can you do? I can…”

The difficult point is how to speak English freelyand naturally in their daily life by using the words and sentences.

5 Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods

I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching method” ,“Total physical response approach” and “Situational teaching method” .I thinkonly by using various methods can let students focus on the class. I will do mybest to diversify the forms of the teaching activity such as pair work andgroup work and to make sure that the students are the real masters of theclass.

6 Analysis of teaching aids

In order to attract students’ attention, I willprepare multi-media and pictures.

7 Analysis of teaching procedures

Now, let’s move to the most important part of thislesson: the analysis of the teaching procedures. This part is divided into 4stages, that is, Warming-up, presentation and practice, production and summary& homework.

Step 1 Warming-up

In this stage, I will greet students as usual tocreate English learning atmosphere for the students. Let students enjoy a chantnamed “what can you do?”.This rhyme is like that “Dog, dog, what can you do? Ican run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo.Mike, mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo!” l will remindstudents to pay more attention to some words, run, eat bamboo and draw animals.And if it is necessary, I will do some acts or paraphrasing to explain thewords. Rhyme is a good way to attract students attention to this class as wellas it can lay a good foundation for the following steps.

Step 2 Presentation and Practice

(1) Words learning and practice

Tell students that Mrs White’s class will hold anEnglish party next week and use a question “do you want to know what thestudents in her class can do for this party?”to lead to the pictures. Then showsome pictures in the book and ask them “What can the students in the picturesdo? ”. Through this, students can learn the new words primarily. When askingthem, I will pay attention to students’ reaction and the interaction amongthem. For example, when talking about “do kung fu”,I will ask them “Who can dokung fu in our class?”, and invite Tom to make a performance. Tell them that itis a good exercise to keep fit, if they are interested, they can learn fromhim. This process can realize the emotional aims of cultivating more hobbies indaily life. Then ask them to read the words one by one after the teacher indifferent ways.

After teaching these words and phrases, teacherwill play a game named act and say game with students to practice all thevocabularies. Total physical response approach is adopted in this stage. Doingactions is a good way for the primary students to have a better understandingof the meaning of the words and to remember them better.

(2) Sentence learning and practice

In this stage,I will teach them about when to usethe target language in a direct way, in order to make sure they can use themcorrectly in the following practice. Teach students if they want to ask others’abilities or tell others about their own abilities, they can use the sentence“What can you do?” and “I can…”.

Next activity is to ask students to makeconversations with their partners by using the new phrases and sentences. Thenuse the rhyme that we’ve used in the warming-up to play their conversations.Using the above rhyme can maintain their interests.

Step 3 Production

In this process, I will let students do group work.Group work is a good way to develop their cooperation and communicationabilities. Divide students into several groups and ask them to make a surveyabout what their group members can do and finish the chart on the screen. Afterthey finish, ask their representatives to make a report by using the newsentence patterns. By doing this, I want students to apply the target languageinto the real situation. And classmates can strengthen their understandings andfriendship with each other.

Step 4 Summary and homework

Students are the subject of the class, so I willtry to provide more chances for them to take part in. So I will invite someoneto be the teacher and lead us to read the phrases. At the end of class, I’llalso leave them a task, that is, to do a survey on what your friends can do andshare your findings next time. This can consolidate what we have learned in thelesson.

8 Analysis of blackboard design

(Purpose: This could make clear the importantinformation of this lesson and help students to make the notes.)

小学英语四年级上册-unit 3 How many?听说-说课稿

构建多元教学策略,培养学生听说素养 ——英语听力与口语教学在英语教学中占有非常重要的位置,教学设计的撰写和试讲也是近年来教招考试中出现频率较高的考查形式,能够测出考生的教学基本功以及英语表达能力。故设计好一堂听说课是考生在面试中取得成功的基石。本文以牛津译林版小学四年级上册Unit3 How many? 听说课为例进行教学设计,该教学设计以学生的现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在培养学生的综合语言运用能力。


Good morning, honorable judges! I’ m No. X. It’s mypleasure to stand here to interpret my teaching design. My topic is “Unit 3 Howmany? ”. I will talk about my lesson from the parts as followed: the analysisof the material, teaching aims, key points and difficult points, teachingprocedures and so on.

1 Analysis of teachingmaterials

Now let’s come to the first part--the analysis ofteaching material. The content is from Part “Cartoon time “of Unit 3 How many?,Grade 4, Oxford Yilin Primary School English. The main topic is about thenumbers. It’s the listening and speaking lesson. After learning this lesson,students will be able to know how to ask and answer the number. Therefore, thislesson plays an important role in their study.

2 Analysis of students

Next is the second part--the analysis of students.The students in this period have learnt some basic English skills such aslistening and speaking, but not very well. In addition, they are full ofcuriosity and very active . So I will give them lots of opportunities topractice in the class.

3 Analysis of teaching aims

According to the new Curriculum Standard inEnglish, I set the teaching aims as follows:

Firstly, knowledge aim: Students can read and writethe sentence patterns “--How many balls do you have? --I have twelve balls”.

Secondly, ability aims: Students can use the newsentences to communicate with others and talk about the number in their dailylife. Students will express their opinions on whether they can do something ornot.

Lastly, emotional aims: Students would like to takepart in the activities and cooperate with their classmates in the class.Students will develop their different kinds of habits.

4 Analysis of teaching keypoint and difficult points

Then, I want to put forward the key point and thedifficult points of this lesson.

Key point:

Students can get familiar with the sentencepatterns “--How many balls do you have? --I have twelve balls”.

Difficult Points:

Students can describe the number of things theyhave and whether they can do something. Students can develop the cooperationspirit and be active during the lesson.

5 Analysis of teaching methodsand learning methods

Now I want to talk about the teaching methods.Communicative Approach, Tasked-based Teaching Method and TPR Teaching Methodwill be adopted in this lesson to active my students. For students, they willuse independent learning method. They will learn to cooperate with others, andbecome the center of the class.

6 Analysis of teaching aids

To help students learn much easier and better. Iwill mainly use multi-media, pictures and tape recorder as teaching aids.

7 Analysis of teaching procedures

After the above analysis, I want to explain themain part in my teaching design, the analysis of teaching procedures. I willtalk about it from the following parts: lead-in, pre-listening,while-listening, post-listening, summary and homework.

Step 1 Lead-in

The first step is Lead-in. After daily greeting, Iwill let students sing an English song “Ten Little Indian Boys”. Then askstudents to guess the topic of the song and how many numbers they can hear inthe song. In this way, I will lead the topic of this lesson and help studentsreview the words about numbers. Also, the song can arouse students’ interest inthis lesson, which is beneficial to start the next stage.

Step 2 Pre-listening

Before listening I will show some pictures ofdifferent toys on the PPTs, such as cars, dolls and so on. Ask students “Do youhave any...?” Then I will present the pictures of different fruits on theblackboard to guide students to calculate by asking and answering “--How many...do you have?--I have....” and write down the sentences. Let some studentscome to the front to show their answers. Then read them together twice.

By doing this, it can help students review thewords and learn the new sentences to lay a foundation for the following steps.

Step 3 While-listening

After preparation, let’s move to the next stepwhile-listening. I will let students listen to the tape twice:

1. Extensive listening

For the first time, I will guide students to listento circle the words they have learned. Then find the main topic. During thesetasks, students’ listening skills can be trained. Through the extensivelistening, students can know the basic information of the dialogue.

2. Intensive listening

For the second time, I will ask students to fill inthe following blanks with their partners:

--How _____ _____do you have?

--I have _______ balls.

--Can you play __________?

-- ____ , but I can do this.

The practice can help students understand thedetailed information of this dialogue and pay attention to the pronunciation aswell.)

Step 4 Post-listening

Next, it’s the fourth step, post-listening. In thisprocess, there are variety of practice activities. Pair work: let students makea new dialogue according to the pictures on the PPTs. Group work: Do a surveyabout “How many...do you have?” in group of 5 and then finish the table. Theseactivities can achieve the emotional aims to increase their cooperation spirit.Moreover, they can practice the words and sentences in daily communication,which can improve their listening and speaking skills.

Step 5 Summary and homework

After all the activities, I will invite somestudents to share what we have learned today and ask one student to act as thelittle teacher to summarize. In this way, it can help students to consolidatethe knowledge they have learned in this class.

After class, I will ask students to count thenumbers 1-15 after class and read the dialogue to their parents. In addition,make a poster about numbers and invite some volunteers to share their work inthe next class. It is a good way to help students develop the habit ofreviewing and cultivate their creative thinking.

8 Blackboard design

The main knowledge is demonstrated on theblackboard. It is clear and the pictures will attract students.

Thank you. That’s all for my teaching design. Thankyou for your listening.