有很多恭维话可以让别人自我感觉良好,但有些恭维话可能比其他的更合适。 根据不同的情况,你的赞美可以体现出你对某人的钦佩。

为了确保你的赞美达到你的目的,要有针对性,这样接收者就会感到特别。 毕竟,赞美他人会释放大脑中的激素,让你感觉良好。 另外,如果你想要安全的话,赞美的重点要放在被赞扬人的个性或成就上,而不是他们的外表。
1 Your positivity is infectious.
2 You should be so proud of yourself.
3 You’re amazing!
4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
5 You’re an incredible friend.
6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
7 You inspire me to be a better person.
8 Your passion always motivates me.
9 Your smile makes me smile.
10 Thank you for being such a great person.
11 The way you carry yourself is truly admirable.
12 You are such a good listener.
13 You have a remarkable sense of humor.
14 Thanks for being you!
15 You set a great example for everyone around you.
16 I love your perspective on life.
17 Being around you makes everything better.
18 You always know the right thing to say.
19 The world would be a better place if more people were like you!
20 You are one of a kind.
21 You make me want to be the best version of myself.
22 You always have the best ideas.
23 I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
24 Your capacity for generosity knows no bounds.
25 I wish I were more like you.
26 You are so strong.
27 I’ve never met someone as kind as you are.
28 You have such a great heart.
29 Simply knowing you has made me a better person.
30 You are beautiful inside and out.
31 You are so special to everyone you know.
32 Your mere presence is reassuring to me.
33 Your heart must be 10 times the average size.
34 You are my favorite person to talk to.
35 You’ve accomplished so many incredible things.
36 I appreciate your friendship more than you can know.
37 I love how you never compromise on being yourself.
38 I tell other friends how wonderful you are.
39 You helped me realize my own worth.
40 Your point of view is so refreshing.
41 You always make me feel welcome.
42 You deserve everything you’ve achieved.
43 I am so proud of your progress.
44 I’m lucky just to know you.
45 You are so down to earth.
46 You know just how to make my day!
47 You spark so much joy in my life.
48 Your potential is limitless.
49 You have a good head on your shoulders.
50 You are making a real difference in the world.
51 You’re so unique.
52 You are wise beyond your years.
53 You’re worthy of all the good things that come to you.
54 Your parents must be so proud.
55 How did you learn to be so great?
56 Never stop being you!
57 No one makes me laugh harder than you do.
58 You inspire me in so many different ways.
59 You continue to impress me.
60 You make the small things count.
61 You’re a constant reminder that people can be good.
62 I admire the way that you challenge me.
63 You make me see things in an entirely new way.
64 Thanks for always being there for me.
65 You are a ray of sunshine.
66 You have the courage of your convictions.
67 On a scale of one to ten, you’re an eleven.
68 You’re incredibly thoughtful.
69 You have the best ideas.
70 You’re the most perfect ‘you’ there is.
71 You are the epitome of a good person.
72 You always know how to find the silver lining.
73 You’re the person that everyone wants on their team.
74 I always learn so much when I’m around you.
75 Is there anything you can’t do!?