· 恋爱实用英语(1)
1) Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?你有没有女朋友/男朋友?Yeah, we have been going out for two years.有啊!我们在一起两年了。
2)Are you seeing/dating anyone?你现在有固定的异性朋友吗?Unfortunately not.可惜,没有哦。
3)Are you single?你单身吗?Yes, I am still available.是的。 我还是"活会"呢。
[High School Sweetheart]。 这是"高中甜心"的意思。众所周知,美国人很早就谈恋爱了。那这个短语就专门用来形容这时候的关系的。We were high school sweethearts. He's my high school sweetheart.他是我高中的甜心。
· 恋爱实用英语(2)
(1) the man/woman of my dreams /dream boat我的梦中情人
eg. You are my dream boat.你是我的梦中情人。
eg.A. I'm having a wonderful day today! B. Why is that? A. Because I met the woman of my dreams today. B. Don't you always have nightmares?
A.我今天真是太高兴了。 B.为什么? A.因为我今天遇到我的梦中情人了。 B.你不是常常做恶梦吗?
You got it? 如果A是常常做恶梦have nightmares, 那the woman of the dreams就该是母夜叉啦。This is American humor.
(2)someone to share my life with 能和我共度一生的人
A. When you look for a guy, what kind of things do you look for? B. I look for someone that I can share my life with. A. But you don't have a life.
A.你找男朋友的时候有什么条件? B.我想找一个可以和我共度一生的生活伴侣。 A.可是你没有生活可言啊。
This is another American humor. Don't have a life.就是说太忙,忙到没生活可言
(3) a soul mate 心灵伴侣
e.g I think I have found the perfect man for me. We are soul mates.我想我已经找到了一个完美的男人了。我们完全心灵相契,是知音。
(4) someone who fulfills me 能满足我的人
e.g I have never met anyone who shares so many common interests with me. When I am with him, I feel completely fulfilled. 我从来没遇到过和我兴趣这么相似的人。我和他在一起的时候,觉得心满意足。
(5) someone I can talk to 能听我说话的人
e.g I like to hang out with him because I feel like I can talk to him. 我喜欢和他在一起,因为我们很谈得来。
这里hang out with指和某人在一起玩,比如和朋友相约去酒吧,或者其他休闲活动,这种情况都可以用到hang out。
(6) a compatible partner 很相配的伴侣,通常指智慧相当
e.g We are so compatible. 我们真的很速配。
(7) someone who reads me like an open book 我对他就象一本打开的书。 意思是我想要什么,他马上就能明白,只要简单一个小动作,马上明白你的需要。
e.g He reads me like an open book. 他非常了解我。
(8) that special someone 那个特别的人
有时候就有那么一个special someone突然出现,是我们神魂颠倒sweep me off my feet.
A. Do you think that you'll ever get married?B. I don't know. Maybe one day I will meet that special someone who whisks me away.
A.你会结婚吗? B.我不知道。或许有一天,我会遇到一个把我迷倒的人。
Sweep me off my feet和whisk me away都是把一个人迷得神魂颠倒的好用法。两个的本意是说用扫把或小刷子之类的东西把东西扫走,扫开。 稍微加点想像进来,如果你看到一个人,结果跟一阵风一样吹过来,吹得你站都站不稳了,是不是这个意思呢?感觉很重要哦。
(9) Prince charming/Mr.Right 白马王子
(10) to enjoy each other's company 喜欢和某人在一起的感觉
· 微妙的"恋爱关系"
1. hit it off 相处得好/合得来Mary and Tom met at a party last week and hit it off.
玛丽和汤姆在上周的聚会上认识的,俩人很投缘。2. on the rocks 恋情告急/恋情出现危机My relationship with my husband is on the rocks.
我们夫妻之间的感情出现了问题。3. pop the question/propose to sb. 求婚I really love my girlfriend and I'm going to pop the question.我很爱女友,打算向她求婚。
4. tie the knot/get married 结婚
marry sb. 与某人结婚Last week my friend and his girlfriend tied the knot.
上周我朋友和他女友正式步入婚姻殿堂。5. fall head over heels 爱到死心塌地We fell head over heels for each other.
我们深爱着彼此。6. puppy love 早恋/少男少女间短暂的爱情Don't worry, it's only puppy love.
别担心,不过是少男少女之间的短暂迷恋而已。7. settle down 成家/安家When are you going to settle down?
8. slow-burn romance 日久生情
9. chemistry n. ----if there is chemistry between two people, they like each other and find each other attractive 两人之间的相互吸引;化学反应
It was obvious that there was a very real chemistry between them。
The chemistry is not right. 我对他/她不来电。
10. long-distance relationship 异地恋
11. 闪婚 flash marriage
· 爱情的26个英文字母表达式
J-- jealousy(妒忌)
歌都有得唱< me>
X-- 'x'(乘法符号)
· "谈情说爱"专用英语
to have a crush on (someone);to feel an instant magnetism;['mægnitizəm]to catch one's eyes;to hit it off;to be attracted to each other.这些片语,都是描写男女间互相倾慕,两情相悦,有吸引力或一见锺情。例如:* He (she) has a crush on her (him) (他对她十分爱慕) 。* He felt an instant magnetism when their eyes met. (他们见面时,他立即感到磁性般的吸住)。意指女的外表吸引; 如果是 she felt …… 那么就是指男的外表吸引。* A nice-looking girl caught his eye.(漂亮的妞儿吸住)。 注意:不用 eyes。* He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it offimmediately.(他被介绍给一位漂亮女子後,他们似乎就一见锺情)。 或* They were attracted to each other the moment their eyes met.
例如说,女对男的没有兴趣,那么也可以说:* She did not feel any attraction toward him.(她对他毫无兴趣); 或* He is the man for whom she feels no attraction, catch or no catch.(不管他的条件好或坏,她对他就是没有兴趣)。这里的 catch,可指财富、地位、名望和外表。to be a lady's man (或 ladies' man);to be a prince on a white horse;to be a womanizer. 这些都是指男人英俊潇洒,作风奔放,野性旺盛,喜欢在「女人窝」里。例如:* Mr. Lin has been considered a prince on a white horse.(林先生被认为是白马王子。)这是中古时代女子对男人的梦中理想,然而现在也有老外认为美男子应该是:全身盔甲灿烂光辉的王子。* He is a prince in a shining amour.(动词时态:shine, shone 或 shined。)* Many people think that Mr. Smith is a real lady's man.(或 a realwomanizer)(许多人认为史密斯先生喜欢在女人窝里。)*As a casanova, he has many girl friends.(由於他是美男子,他有许多女友。)(Casanova 是意大利人,据说是顶尖的美男子,他的全名是:Casanova de seingalt Giovanni Giacomo 在此casanova 被当做普通名词,故 c 不必大写。如果形容男人外表魅惑力大,能使女人「如饥似渴」般崇拜他,也可以说:* He has melted her down and made her knees buckle.(他把她溶化了,使她拜倒他的西装裤下)。这句话老外通常不用在男人身上,也许因为男子应该比较坚强些吧!或且说:* So many women swarmed him like bees to thehoney.(许多女人看到他,就像一群蜜蜂见到蜜那样蜂拥而至。)倘若说:…… like flies to the garbage 指像一群苍蝇喜欢垃圾那样,当然就不是恭维了。to be a beauty queen; to be a dream boat;to be a cutie; to be a babe;to be a fox.这些都是形容女人漂亮,曲线玲珑,身材曼妙,挥身性感或散发一种性感的野性。例如:* She is a beauty queen.(= very beautiful)* She is a cutie.(= pretty and attractive)(漂亮迷人)* She is a dream boat.(= ideal type of woman)(理想女人)* She is a babe.(= very beautiful and attractive)* She is a fox.(= She is a foxy lady = She is sexy.)(她很性感)。注意:如果说: She is as sneaky(或 cunning)as a fox. 又是指她像狐狸一样的狡猾。假如女人能使男人拜倒她的石榴裙下或神魂颠倒那么就能说:* Her beauty (attraction) has caused his knees to shake. (或 toquiver)(她的漂亮迷人使他膝部发抖)。或* She made him feel up there in the clouds.(= on clouds nine = on the top of the world)(她使他神魂颠倒,飘飘然如仙。)其实,所谓「情人眼里出西施」(Beauty is in the eyes of beholder),世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。to fall in love with (someone);to fall head over heels in love; to love (someone) from head to toe.都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。例如:* They have fallen in love with each other for years.(他们相爱多年)。(动词时态:fall, fell, fallen)* He fell head over heels in love with her.(= He fell for her head over heels = He is head over-heels in love with her.)(他与她沉溺情海,爱得晕头转向。)多半指很快落入情海。
* He loves her from head to toe.(他从头到脚地爱她)。多指经过较长时间後才热恋, 或
* He falls madly in love with her.
* They are two peas in a pod. (他们像豆荚里的两粒豆子--即形影不离。)
* They only have eyes for each other(and forget the entire world.)(世界上似乎只有他们两个人。)
· Three types of women that American Men fall for 令男人倾心的三种女人
(1)Sexy Women 性感型
a) hot babe (n.) 辣妹 hot babe是形容性感美眉最贴切常用的。
e.g She's hot! 她真辣!(小心你的口水哦) e.g Those girls on the soccer team are really hot babes! 足球队的那些女生真够辣! e.g My girlfriend dumped me. I am so sad because she is a total babe! 我的辣妹女朋友把我甩了。 我真难过!
b) fox (n.) foxy (adj.) 性感狐狸精 Foxy和sexy很像, 用法也是一样。只是foxy women 不只sexy,而且they are aware of their sexuality(她们知道自己很性感), 所以爱卖弄风骚。
e.g Wow! Is she ever a fox! She must have a boyfriend. 哇!她真性感!她一定有男朋友了。
(2)Beautiful Women 漂亮女生,人见人爱
a) cute (adj.), cutie (n.) 可爱, 可爱宝贝
e.g She's cute. 这是美国男生在路上或在mall(大型购物中心)里看到心仪的女孩子时最常用普遍的赞叹词。Cute不一定只是可爱,看顺眼加美丽加可爱就是这个cute了。这个是非常非常实用的。强烈推荐!Hi, cutie!
b)stunning (adj.) 动人的, 非常美丽的
e.g That diamond necklace makes her look stunning! 那个钻石项链让她看起来闪闪动人!
c) gorgeous(adj.) 迷人的
e.g I always find girls with brown eyes and long dark hair gorgeous. 我一直觉得咖啡色眼睛深色长发的女生最迷人了。
d) mesmerizing (adj.) 令人着迷的
e.g She is mesmerizing in that dress! 她穿那件洋装看起来真令人着迷。
e) jaw dropping (adj.) 下巴都掉下来了
e.g My girlfriend's looks are so good that they're jaw dropping. 我的女朋友长得美到令人下巴都要掉下来了。(3)Women Who Are Fun to Be With 幽默宝贝
美国人不只是重视性感与否的appearance的,也有在乎personality的。美国人通常很幽默,所以也希望找到a fun person有趣乐观的人。
a) witty (adj.) 反应灵敏的,谈吐诙谐的,幽默有趣的
e.g I like Jane because she's so witty. 我喜欢Jane, 因为她很机智聪明。
b) humorous (adj.) 幽默有趣的
e.g Amy always makes me laugh. She's very humorous. Amy老是惹我笑,她好幽默。
c) bubbly (adj.) 活泼的
e.g I like a bubbly girl because she always laughs. 我喜欢活泼有活力的女生,因为她总是笑脸迎人。 Note: bubbly 是从bubble(泡泡)来的。像bubble的女生,一定很活泼,很有活力的,对吧?!)
· Women and men to avoid 恋爱中要避免交往的人
(1) bimbo (n.) : an insulting word for an attractive but unintelligent young woman 只有美貌身材,没有大脑的花瓶,尤其指行为不检点的女人
e.g She is always saying stupid things. What a bimbo! 她总是讲一些没大脑的话, 真是个花瓶!
(2) flirt (n. v.)n. a person who flirts with many people调情的人, 卖弄风骚的人
vi.调情, 玩弄
flirtatious (adj.) [flə:'teiʃəs]: behaving in a way that deliberately tries to attract sexual attention调情的, 轻佻的
flirt with sb./ hit on sb.: to talk to someone in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them
e.g They say he's a terrible flirt. 据说他是调情色鬼.
e.g I can't believe you were flirting with my boyfriend! 你怎么可以跟我的男朋友打情骂俏?!e.g Have you noticed that she hits on everyone? I've never met someone so flirtatious. 你有没有发现她在跟每个人打情骂俏?我从来没遇到过这么爱勾引人的人。 note: Flirt这个词在美国经常用到,指跟异性打情骂俏,挤眉弄眼,卖弄风骚,勾引.作为名词,是很会和人搭讪,打情骂俏的花痴的意思.当然这个词是男女通用的.
(3) floozy (n.) 男女关系随便的人
e.g Jenny is always wearing very revealing outfits. I could never trust a floozy like her. Jenny老是穿得这么暴露.我不相信像她这么随便的人。
(4) vain (adj.) someone who is vain is too proud of their good looks, abilities, or position - used to show disapproval 虚荣的, 对自己的容貌与能力自视甚高的
vanity n. too much in yourself, so that you are always thinking about yourself and your appearance自负; 虚荣; 虚荣心
* tickle sb's vanity : do or say sth. that flatters sb. 迎合某人的虚荣心
e.g I broke up with that girl because she is vain. She probably only liked me because of my Porsche. 我和那个女生分手了,因为她太虚荣. 她当初喜欢我说不定只是看上我的保时捷. (wow! Porsche! It's my favorite brand.)
e.g She married the rich man out of vanity.
(5) valley girl 重视表面但脑袋空空的女生
为什么是valley girl呢? Valley本意是"山谷", 这里是说加洲洛杉矶一个叫the valley的地方. 加洲女生给人的印象是爱打扮,但笨笨的,所以就叫valley girl啦.
Valley girls annoy me because they always say the word "like" after everything.我觉得Valley girls很烦人,因为她们讲话总爱加一个"like".这也是洛杉矶人的一个特色。很多LA的人都习惯拿like这个词当口头禅,听起来真的有点笨笨的感觉哦.下次看电影的时候注意看看,要是想表示主角有点笨笨的,他就会故意说很多like.
A: How is the weather there? 那里天气如何? B: It's like, so hot. 那儿好热.
(6) A Blonde Joke For You
Note: 美国人觉得金发女生blonde girls最美丽了。很多美国人都把她们的头发漂白成金色的,叫bleach your hair. 不过虽然她们喜欢blonde girls, 可又认为美丽的女生没大脑,所以就特别喜欢取笑blonde girls,因此也就有了blonde jokes,也就是金发美女没大脑的笑话。有些真的很毒 some are very mean! 这些blonde jokes 通常是用脑筋急转弯的方式呈现的。Here are a few for you:
Q: How do you make a blonde girl's eyes twinkle?A: Shine a flashlight in her ear.
Do you get it? 懂吗?因为blonde girls脑袋空空,所以手电筒的光可以直接从耳朵通到眼睛那里,眼睛就亮晶晶了!毒不毒?(Pretty mean, huh?)
Q: How do you get a blonde girl on the roof? A: Tell her that the drinks are on the house.
问:要怎么样才能把金发美女骗上屋顶? 答:告诉她饮料免费就可以了。
on the house字面上是"在房子上面"的意思,但这里是一个片语,意思是"免钱,店长请客"。比如说在酒吧喝酒,有时候酒保会请你喝一杯,他就会说"This one is on the house" (这杯我请客)。不过笨笨的blonde girl连简单片语都听不懂,就傻傻爬到屋顶上找酒喝了。(是不是我们也会理解成在房顶上有酒啊?恐怖,别打我哦,我不是故意的)
· 赞扬女生身材好的讲法
1) nice figure 好身材 You have such a nice figure.
2) great curves 好曲线(要用复数哦) She has great curves.
3) hourglass figure像沙漏样的身材,上凸下翘,真性感啊! Look at that hourglass figure of hers.
· 恋爱物语
1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 6) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 8) Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
· 趣味英语:真爱一生
1) Love of my life 一生的爱Melissa says Mike, her new boyfriend is the love of her life.When will I find the love of my life?
2) love handles 腰部赘肉Cameron told me to lay off the junk food, because he thinks I'm getting love handles. He's so mean.
3) misery loves company 同病相怜, 或者自己遇到不开心的事, 不想让别人好受- Why is Ralph so grumpy today?- He got in a fight with his girlfriend last night. Misery loves company.
5) love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系I have a love-hate relationship with cookies...They taste so good! But they're so fattening! They give me love handles.
· 趣味英语:《约会宝典》中的约会守则
1. Be a creature unlike any other
2. Possess a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe
从头到脚都要展现出自己的自信,记住了,自信是由内而外散发的3. Go to parties and events even if you don't feel like it.
4. You won't meet Mr Right sitting at home.
5. It's a fantasy relationship unless a man asks you out.
6. If he never asks you out, he's not interested.
7. In an office romance, do not email him back unless it is business related.
8.In a long-distance relationship, he must visit you three times before you visit him.
9.Men should always pursue women first.
10.If he does not call, he is not interested.
· 趣味英语:让爱情保鲜的27个法宝

1. Start each day with a kiss--I think this one is not that hard; on the contrary; it can be healthy and nice.
2. Date once a week--May not as often as once a week, let's say every other week or that a date can be inside your home and that you don't have to go somewhere fancy to have it, you get the idea, right?
3. Accept differences--No one is perfect. However; healthy arguments are good for the relationship, hence; the most important thing would be learning how to compromise with one another.
4. Be polite--Please, thank you, you are welcome… these are not only meant for strangers; your own spouse and family should come first and you must always use these phrases inside your home.
5. Be gentle--a person is supposed to be the closest to his/her spouse, being gentle is crucial to keep them close enough.
温柔一些——若想关系亲密,温柔是至关重要的。6. Give gifts--nice small gifts are appreciated every once in a while.
7. Touch--intimacy between married people is very important and touching is a means of communication that reflects closeness, connection and love; it is your way of keeping the spark alive.
8. Talk about dreams--dreams of the future that is; if you don't share your dreams with your spouse; then who?
9. Select a song that can be "our song" —— this sounds like a cliché, ['kli:ʃei]
but it can be nice, don't you think?
10. Laugh together--laughter is medicine. When you share good laughs together; the fun grows in the relationship and you grow closer and stronger every day.
11. Send a card for no reason--another cliché? Maybe, but everyone likes to receive a nice "I love you" or "I miss you" notes every once in a while.
12. Listen--this could be the most important one ever, but note that you should listen with empathy and not just hear what they are saying; you should get involved.
13. Encourage--positive support and being there for one another is also very important; seek their support and give them yours and be generous!
· 让爱情保鲜的27个法宝

14. Do it his or her way--sometimes; you need to do things their way just to show how much you love them and respect their feelings.
15. Know his or her needs--what good is a spouse if he/she does not know the needs of their significant others? This should be your primary concern!
16. Compliment twice a day--everyone likes to hear something nice as a compliment; so give them that when it is due.
17. Call during the day--but don't over do it and be obsessed with calling him/her. Give them their space but also show them that you think of them by a 2-minutes phone call saying "how are you doing?"
18. Cuddle--yes; intimacy is very important and reflects love and deep feelings.
19. Show respect--showing respect is more important than showing love.
20. Welcome the other person home--show enthusiasm when they come home and greet them; this means that you are happy because they are home now and that you were waiting for them!
21. Celebrate birthdays in a big way--this does not mean a big party; just show them you care about their personal occasions.
隆重庆生——并不是说你要为对方的生日大操大办,而是说你要传递出你很重视这个特别日子的信息。22. Forgive--from the heart and not only in words.
23. Set up a romantic getaway--this sounds like fun every once in a while; no harm in that!
24. Respond quickly to the other person's request--show them that you are doing this because you care for them the most.
25. Treat each others' friends and relatives with courtesy--even if you don't like their family and/or friends, you treat them with respect and courtesy for the sake of your spouse; they deserve that much.
26. Admit when wrong--don't be too arrogant to say it.
27. End the day with a hug--show closeness and again; intimacy.