Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It's a great honor to be here to share my teaching plan with you. According to the new course standards,the core competencies of English includes four aspects:learning ability, language ability, thinking quality and cultural awareness.

The topic of this unit is about:

Greeting, stationary, colours, body, animals, food, number, classroom, school,school bag, home, dinner, family , fruits, members. personalities, weeks, abilities, month, places.At the end of this class,students must be able to:Listen,speak,read and write the key words:

Listen,speak,read and write the key sentences:

Listen and read the conversation fluently and correctly.Use the sentences to describe people’s appearance/personalities./in their daily life.

Summarize the phonetic rules and master the phonetic knowledge.

Now I will reflect my lesson from these four parts.

Part1:Learning ability

This lesson is the____period of Unit___--Let’s talk/Let’s learn. In order to improve students’ listening and speaking ability, I created a very happy language environment at the beginning of the class by greetings. While presenting, I tried to lead students to observe,discover and summarize the rules of language.While playing games, I encouraged students to cooperate and speak actively.In addition,I chose proper and specific evaluation language according to their performance because it can greatly protect their interests.

Part2:Language ability

The topic of this lesson is____. After learning the conversation, students could use some new words and phrases from the conversation to express their ideas and feelings.

Part3:Thinking quality

Actually in my class,I was always trying to inspire and guide the thinking of students,and helping them to discover, analyze and solve problems,so that they can have a clear understanding of things.

Part4:Cultural awareness

The topic of this unit is____.By learning the stories about________,students have known something about. . .Actually in this way, students can know more about the life styles in western countries ,and I believe it will be helpful in students’ cross culture communication in the future.

Students are the masters of the class, and the teachers are the guiders, I used the task-based teaching methods, the group cooperation teaching methods and the situational teaching method through the whole class.

Generally speaking, most of the students were involved in the class activities. My teaching objectives were achieved. Students’ _____ abilities had also been improved under my guidance.When students had difficulties in speaking, I gave them some tips and encouraged them to be confident. But I haven't written the blackboard in time, and the time of the whole class isn't controlled well, especially in the practice part. I will try my best to focus on them and improve myself in my future teaching. And if you professors could give me some effective advice, it couldn't be better.That's all for my lesson.